Accommodation FAQs

1. What time is check in and check out?
Check in is available from 3pm daily and checkout time is 11am. Please inform us if you require a late check in/out, charges will apply.

2. Is Leighinmohr wheelchair friendly?
Yes, the hotel is wheelchair accessible. We have x4 ground floor bedrooms. Room 203 is our disability friendly room equipped with shower chair, toilet rail etc.

3. Are cots and camp beds available?
Cots and camp beds can be provided for infants and guests. We ask that all guests inform us of these requirements upon booking as we cannot guarantee availability on arrival. Cots are free of charge and camp beds are charged at ยฃ35pp.

4. I am a wedding guest, how do I go about booking accommodation?
Wedding accommodation must be booked via our online Wedding accommodation form.
Note, rooms cannot be booked in multiples.

5. Where can I find directions to Leighinmohr House Hotel?
We can be easily found on Google Maps. Our address is Leighinmohr House Hotel, Leighinmohr Avenue, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, BT42 2AN.

6. Is Leighinmohr dog friendly?
We do not allow dogs into the hotel. However, your furry friendly is welcome outside in our beautiful gardens. We ask that dogs are always kept on their leash and not left unsupervised.

7. We are booking/staying for a special occasion, what can you do to make our stay more special?
At Leighinmohr we strive to make your stay with us as memorable as possible. Please inform us of what you have in mind and how we can help prepare for this in any way.

8. Is Wi-Fi available on site?
Wireless internet is available throughout the hotel, in all bedrooms and common areas. Should you need help accessing this, please speak to a member of our team.

9. Is smoking or vaping allowed at Leighinmohr?
In line with local regulations smoking is not permitted inside the hotel, this rule also extends to vaping. Smoking and vaping is permitted outside the hotel in designated areas only.

10. Is there free parking at Leighinmohr?
We have 150 free parking spaces at the hotel. Cars can be left overnight. We ask that cars left overnight are picked up at or before 11am the next morning.

11. How many rooms does Leighinmohr have?
The hotel sleeps a total of 50 guest across 21 bedrooms. These are a mixture of single, double, triple and family rooms.

12. What is the nearest transport to the hotel?
Ballymena bus station is a 5-minute drive from the hotel. Belfast International Airport is 17 miles away and the closest train station is also a 5-minute drive away.

13. Can I bring in my own food and drink to consume in the bedroom?
No, this is not permitted, and you may incur a charge if you do so.